As part of Mike Sergeant’s inaugural podcast series, ‘PR for Humans’, our chairman Shimon Cohen sat down to discuss why he is unapologetically proud to be doing PR – so much so that Mike described him as ‘a rarity in the PR world’. Whilst most agencies seem to be busy trying to reinvent themselves as ‘digital influencers’, ‘content strategists’, ‘insight specialists’ or ‘strategic consultants’, Shimon prides The PR Office on providing clients with ‘what they actually want’ – which, in his view, is always either to be in the news or out of the news. To be talked about. Or to get people to stop talking about them.
Shimon shares several momentous occasions in his PR career. In one memorable story, he recounts how he came to write a speech for Nelson Mandela and then advise Madiba on how to deliver it!
Listen to the full podcast here!